Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 50-Thursday-7th July

Yesterday, I had woken hearing the rain on the cabin roof and enjoyed the feeling of knowing I wasn't going to be going anywhere and had a good lie in. Last night I had decided that as the weather had not been so bad as seemed to be forecast and that I could use freshish southerlies to my advantage,  I would set out today, and go into Dunbar if I couldn't get round to Eyemouth. I awoke early this morning and listened to the shipping forecast at 5.20 and it was now saying S/SE 4/5 becoming 6/7.That changed things I didn't want to try ploughing into a force 7. I resigned myself to another day in Edinburgh.

I pondered the difference in feelings you have about doing something because that's your choice and doing the same thing but because you have to. The day before I felt I had no choice because the weather forecast was so bad there was no real choice to make.Not having to make a decision about whether or not to do was a sort of relief. However,one day later and starting to feel I needed to make progress again i felt frustrated by not being able to go.At least the wind seemed fresher than yesterday and I could have been comfortable with the way things went if it got progressively more windy, but by the end of the afternoon it was dead calm!

I started the day by trying to sort out an MMSI number once and for all. I tried doing this online but had to call OFCOM in the end. I effectively existed as 2 people SL Munday and Steve Munday, with my old address and my new one. They would have to merge the data and I'd have to log on later to see if it worked.

I cycled into Edinburgh again to get rid of my annoyance at trying to get anywhere with a computer. I know I'm getting along with this blog, but it all doesn't come easy to me.I'd rather be trimming sails.

First stop was the John Knox house. John Knox was a Presbyterian who, though trained as a Catholic priest, became anti catholic and so was against the Scottish queen Mary. He campaigned hard against the movement that took and held Edinburgh castle for 3 years during the mid 1500s Their aim was that she would be returned to power instead of James IV. The revolt was led by a goldsmith and keeper of the Royal Mint for the Stuarts -James Mossman. They even minted coins with Mary's head on from within the castle. Mossman eventually lost his own head when the castle was recaptured.

Anyway both men lived in the house at different times and it was for this historic association that it escaped being demolished when the road was widened.It projects proud of the face of the rest of the buildings in the street. The house has been done out to reflect the character of a goldsmith's house of the time. The brightly decorated ceiling is particularly interesting.

Knox was quite an orator and so was feared by the catholic church because of his powers of persuasion. He believed in stripping all the pomp out of the church and providing a basic education so all would be able to read the bible for them selves

Whilst in the museum i was given a complimentary ticket to another of the magicfest performances. This time it was one of the comedy acts. She performs under the name of Romany and says she is on with Jonathan Ross this weekend. This will involve him wearing a pink jacket and her being tied up then a  hooped screen passing over them and her emerging still tied up but wearing the pink jacket.

I also visited St Giles cathedral, which was notable both for the quality of the stained glass windows and the organ player, who unusually in a church was receiving applause.

Whilst looking for the Romany performance venue i went into the Edinburgh University quarter. They seem to have done some interesting repaint jobs on the old police boxes.

I can not pass without commenting on the range of tartan shops in the town centre. There are kilt get ups for every occasion. you can have the real thing with sporrans or you can have a wrap around towel with one printed on! That's the one nearest.

I don't know whether tomorrow i will resume being a circumnavigating sailor or an amateur travel guide!

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