Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 3- Friday 20th May

For those who have been puzzled by the dates I have been posting on this blog, I apologise. I thought I was a day later than I am, so I have gone back and corrected them. Doesn't inspire confidence in someone who has been working out tidal flows and doing navigation work does it?

Left Plymouth late morning. I had needed to do some minor running repairs, but the main cause for delay was trying to reduce the disorder on board. I am carrying far more stuff on this trip then ever before, and I always struggled to travel light. I have put most things in sealed lidded boxes and labeled them. they are jammed into very possible corner. Whenever i want anything its in the box at the bottom or the back. This is a small boat so there is nowhere to put the box which is on top or in front, other than where I'm standing. Its like playing that game where you slide the tiles one at a time until the correct pattern is found- solo. By the time I get back I'll either have it completely sussed or there will be a trail of plastic boxes around the coast.

I admit that I have some unnecessary stuff on board- the ukulele, books I couldn't get into, sketching gear. I had the image that I'd find loads of time on a trip like this to do the thingsIi hadn't got around to at home. what are the chances? I promise I'll post photo if I get around to playing the a ukulele or doing some sketching.

Fowey seems like a short hp from Plymouth, but when the wind is almost on the nose, 6 hours tacking seems like a long time.In fact according to the GPS it was 25.6 nautical miles, and as there are 1.1515 miles per nautical milesthen this is about 30 miles.My aim is to do about 50 miles each day I travel.

Fowey is a beautiful little harbour, and this evening it was bathed in sunshine. Chips and some Cornish scrumpy was my reward for a hard slog across Whitsand Bay. One piece of equipment, which is not superfluous is my hand held Geonav chart plotter. the ability to confirm you are where you think you are so quickly gives you confidence. also to be able to zoom in and out to save looking through a range of charts is really useful. It also gives a precise sate of tide, so there are no calculations, and therefore errors, to make.

1 comment:

  1. Well done steve . I knew you would eventually get to grips with modern technology! Jus
