Monday, May 23, 2011

Day6.Monday 23rd May. Yet more Fowey, and then Falmouth!

The mooring in Wiseman's Reach was just as peaceful as the night before.This was so much so that I started to think they had got it wrong about the Force 5/6 gusting7/8 south west wind. However, by the time I'd motored back into the harbour I realised they'd not been so off track!

Enroute to the harbour entrance i saw how they go about their garaging in thses parts!

As I'm still in familiar waters it doesn't seem like I've truly set off yet. The cheese and onion pasties in town are great, but they are not compensation for getting a bit further on.Radio Cornwall features the work of the Coastguard. yesterday 6 kids were rescued after their dinghy was washed onto the rocks near Falmouth. They had only one life jacket between them and one of their mothers was loath to call the emergency services because she thought she needed to pay!!

Without wishing to dwell on maritime accidents, a yacht just  came onto the town pontoon to drop off the 80year old guy who'd crushed his finger in a winch.His son told me he had insisted in going out instead of sheltering in the river. They were going to take him to Plymouth. He is a concert organist, so his son was concerned this would have a big impact on him. It's enough to take up gardening or maybe sketching!

Before setting out I wondered if it made any sense bringing my big vertical bike pump. Well it came in handy today putting extra air in my fenders. The constant pounding on the pontoon was flattening them.

The wind dropped a bit and set moved into the WNW pretty much as the forecast predicted to I set off at 4 bound for Falmouth. It was still gusting force 6 after rounding Dodman Point and it was a long tack to get there. The setting sun broke through as i approached putting all the cranes into silhouette.

I went for a pint and a Chinese takeaway. the price of a pint of Doombar seems to decrease as i work my way west. £2.50 is best so far.It's named after a sand bar at Padstow I think. Perhaps a pint should be free for anyone who crosses the bar.

Falmouth has turned into a real university town now. Dartington College moved down here as part of the university expansion last year. Falmouth' gain is Totnes's loss. The place has taken on a more studenty feel than when I was last here.There were some great earnest conversations going on in the pub.

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